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Telugu movies that are streaming on hd: AmaramAkhilamPrema

AmaramAkhilamPrema is a cute little love story of Amar and Akhila, who are madly in love with each other yet they are in a helpless situation. AmaramAkhilamPrema itself is a quite heart touching love story which was made in recent times. You will blissfully watch this movie again as it’s that beautiful and enyaobale. Watch AmaramAkhilamPrema movie on aha, it’s available in HD quality. Fall in love and rejoice as it’s a movie hd. Watch amaramakhilam movie online for you it is love.


It’s a cute story of amar and akhila! They uniquely fall in love, after watching this movie, you would wish to have someone who cares like amar in life. His love is unconditional and very simple. The plot starts by showing us the father and daughter relation. There is no one who is closest to each other’s heart. The love between them was ideal. As they grow up, it doesn’t change until she loves someone in the same way, unfortunately Akhila doesn’t get that attention and love from that person and additionally she loses her father’s faith and love for her. Which is a complete devastating aspect in life. She regrets every moment she spent him. At least she thinks to fulfill his father’s wish of seeing her as an IAS officer. She comes to live with her uncle to study IAS. there she see’s Amar, who is a jobless and reckless person, who fell in love with her at first sight. She doesn’t like him at the start but as he proves his love eventually. She falls for him, but she doesn’t express it. As she doesnt want to commit the same mistake of loving someone who her father doesn’t accept. See if akhila will love amar back. Will they have a happy ending? Just watch it to know how these love birds end up.

Technical Assets:

  • Music is the best part of this movie, its most heard song on youtube. They bring your emotions high and hear the love cry and happiness.
  • Movie is well written as we expect! You will love each and every scene as they will emotionally hit you.
  • Cinematography is ultimate. Most of the angles are wide and beautiful. You can see the screen clearly and neat.
  • Editing has done smoothly. Soo picture perfect and lovely.

Artist Performance:

  • Aram as Vijay Ram, after watching this movie you would love you have someone like him in life. He was handsome and understanding and much more respectable.
  • ShivshakthiSachdev killed with beautiful eyes. All her emotions are seen in eyes. Even though she is from the north, she was mind blowing.

Cast & Crew:

Actor: Vijay Ram

Actress: ShivshakthiSachdev

Other Actors: SrikanthIyengar, Naresh, Sri Lakshmi, Annapoorna

Director: Jonathan Vesapogu

Products: Vevkds Prasad

Music Director: Radhan

Cinematographer: RasoolEllore

More Information:

Runtime: 2 hours 12 minutes

Released: 18 September 2020

Genre: Romance, Drama

Distributed by: Aha

Watch AmaramAkhilamPrema Movie online for its best. And now it’s a movies HD too!

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Roman Zakharenko